In this post, I want to discuss a media theory I could apply to my Cambridge project. Do you know what THE NARRATIVE THEORY IS?
Well, Narrative Theory states that stories have a basic human approach with essential components of our experience, like time, process, and change. This is applied in movies, books, TV shows, and advertisements, and is frequently used by filmmakers, writers, and media specialists.
The author of this theory is Tzvetan Todorov, a Bulgarian literary theorist who created the five stage narrative theory, explaining how stories move from stability to disruption and resolution.
Todorov's thesis states that most stories have a basic structure: an event disturbs an equilibrium, and generates disruption. After that, the characters strive to restore the equilibrium, and a new equilibrium or resolution has resolved.
So, this is the TodoroVs' theory five-stage structure:
Equilibrium → Disruption → Recognition → Resolution → New Equilibrium.
Although Torodov's Theory has 5 stages, for the project I will highlight three: EQUILIBRIUM, DISEQUILIBRIUM AND NEW EQUILIBRIUM. Todorov's idea is simple. Thats why I plan to use it in my film opening.While researching, I realized almost every horror movie follows the same structure, even if we don't always notice it.
Let's check this example...I chose to again analyze the opening of Scream (1996)
The movie opens typically. The girl is alone at home and chatting on the phone (equilibrium).Everything seems safe. However, tension rises (disequilibrium), and the conversation becomes creepy.
She attempts to get away (in an effort to gain a new equilibrium)
Knowing the horror is over (new equilibrium) doesn't mean the audience doesnt remain nervous even beyond the scene.
It's interesting that a disturbing perception of order is necessary for horror to succeed. The audience is at ease initially, but then anxiety creeps in when something seems odd.
This theory made me realize that my two minute horror film opening needs to follow a similar pattern. I think that I can establish equilibrium and disequilibrium for sure. So, in the next post, I will reveal my proposal and see if Todorovs' theory will fit in my film opening. Keep in touch!
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